Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Preschool project brought gluten into my home..
which was ingested this morning by 
.. Little Man…
we induced vomiting & necessary extra things….
but there is NO guarantee what we did is sufficient..

HIS grace IS..

for what EVER is coming..
please pray for our Little Man
Gluten is about the WORST thing in the world for him..
like Buddy getting peanuts
but an EPI doesn't help…
please pray that our efforts were enough
that IF they weren't
God's amazing grace would see us through
YET another storm

Last time there was..
accidental gluten ingestion..
little man was violently ill 
with neuro and psych symptoms for 
about 30 days
and then his little gut was wrecked
so he underwent
about 60 days of detox repair for infection etc
(yes totally DR supervised.. a REAL MD and all!)
it was 3 months people
3 months of hell
for him
for us
it was painful.
all around
and we aren't exactly OVER the experience here
and none of us want to 
not EVER.
The New York Times had this
pretty good article on the topic of
gluten and neuro/psych issues
for any of you interested in learning about it..
I know that the whole 
"gluten free" movement has many
rolling their eyes…
lots of people think it's a fad…
but in my house..
it's as scary as a bee sting on Buddy …
whose anaphylactic
we don't mess with bees
or peanuts
or gluten around here…

 so far.. no call from school..
 thank you all for prayers !!! 
 as you are led through out the day!
  Lord willing we got it OUT of hm… 
Either way.. Jesus HAS this.. 
It's just SO hard.. because in EVERY real sense of the word,
there IS nothing..
 nothing that I can do..
I can ONLY pray.. 
ONLY hope.. 
ONLY trust.. 
ONLY wait on our King… 
And IF he wants our family to go through this dark and horrible valley again.. 
than I KNOW HE will see us through it.. 
with out me trying to do this, or that to fix, or fuss.. 
HE really REALLY has us.. in the palm of HIS hands.. a
nd I KNOW that is supposed to "FEEL" so comforting.. 
but it scares the CRAP out of me ! 
at the same time as bringing me comfort.. 
just being real… j
just.. saying… 
it's like free falling into a bottomless pit.. 

and just … trusting the bungee cord AIN'T gonna snap!

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