God leads us beside still waters..
and THAT is sweet.. and those days.. are days of refreshment
days of instruction
days of healing
we are warriors called into battle..
anyone who has studied Military History understands there are branches of Military
different lines of attack Military…
we are not all called into front lines of battle long term…
there are MASH units for reprieve..
that's were I am..
In the dark harsh world of behind enemy lines..
then.. getting dragged across and into MASH units to get patched up
so … are all my posts not as heroic as some ill peoples?
are some sort of dark and brooding?
I have a LOT of injuries.. the main one we talk about is Moriarty..
HE is our Lead Villian..
the facts friends are these
I am keeping things
pretty real
pretty hopeful
I am hopeful
I am FULL of hope
but none of this is easy
I won't paint this walk easy…
what if..
what if YOU had to walk it next..
what if you thought…for ONE second
you had to be
keeping up with me?
not just surviving it all
not JUST caring for your family
maintaing your marriage
and your health
and learning to cook a whole new way
all the doctors
but you must ACT like your poop smells like roses
while you're doing it all
and sing
Gum bah ya
all at the same time…
no one believes that version of Jesus
not EVEN Jesus..
we don't need to TRY to make Jesus look good
we don't NEED to justify HIS actions..
HE is good..
because HE is
His ways are NOT our ways
just because we suffer.
does not mean it's to be hidden..
I remember something.. about HIM suffering..
and it being PRETTY public..
I remember Him saying
we too,
should pick up OUR cross
and follow
none of the Big Picture ever painted a perfectly pretty picture
for every one of us
so I promise
I won't do that here either
I won't pretend I am perfect
I am a real person
walking with Christ
a walk He chose for me
(thinking of Hinds feet for High places)
and put on MY heart to share with you
in this way
Inviting you to pray
to witness
in my life
in the life of my family working..
are you getting the whole story..
you aren't …
somethings are private..
It is my job to keep private things private..
I share some things that I feel safe sharing..
In my private Facebook group if I share with you,
it's private..
If you visit me in my home and I share
it's because you are my friend..
that is private.
If I don't share
It's really private.
just don't NEED to be on the internet.
My children
my marriage need protecting too.
you are getting truth..
the fact is I am a sinner
that lives with sinners
and we are
by Grace
fighting a fight
we haven't fought before…
but we are seasoned
in battle.
we've just…
never faced
THIS enemy
knowingly before..
you see..
you have to KNOW who
your enemy IS
and WHAT they are after…
do you?
I do...
He wants my faith
He wants my hope
He wants my family
Moriarty wants the crown
if I seem a little less
then some of your friends fighting health battles
I don't know what to say..
I won't say that your friends or family are just putting up a braver face or that they are less sick..
I won't.
I won't say that they are less sick or that they can't possibly be suffering as much of me because that's just ridiculous.
I won't presume.
What I will say is that we each walk our OWN walk with Jesus.
I know a little about MY advisory.
he's devious and a villian and a liar
I know my KING
better and better…
all the time..
HE is faithful and true..
I am pretty clear
on the whole
Truth and grace thing
no fluff stuff
prayer works when we
I just keep it real
I can't put on a brave face for anyone..
I don't have the energy for that.
my fatih..
it's real
this Jesus I follow
I don't need to make Him look good…
He IS good
ALL the time…
I promise.
no matter HOW much life might suck..
it's great to BE alive
Jesus is good
all the time
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