Tuesday, February 24, 2015

lost in the great big sea, little me

It's a bit of a challenging season for me.
Perhaps, the season you face is challenging too.
The other day I received an urgent prayer text from a dear friend,
telling me her child was in hospital…. 
There I was, in the same hospital, 
facing so many doctors,
for hours on end
for a child of my own.
Sometimes, all we can do, 
Is say our prayers,
in this wonderful God who loves us

some days,
are just hard days.
They grow us,
change us,
refine us,
challenge us,
renew us,
and we, are never the same after they have come,
and they have gone..

When the dust has settled,
and the weeks have passed,
and we look back on those days,
more often than not,
even with the PAIN, 
still searing in our hearts,
most of us,
at least most of those who have shared with me,
and said the same,
we can look back, 
and honestly say,
those were the days 
that everything changed.

The tide turned,
things may have gotten worse
or what EVER,
but we, began to grow 
rise up to meet,
to greet,
to breath deeper,
those are the days,
where the defeats lessened
and we begin
to see the victory 
even if ONLY from within..
that is the ONLY place it matters.

HE has got me…
He HAS got YOU…
Call on HIS name,
and put your hope in Jesus..
Here's to all of us,
who feel like a little Nemo,
swimming in a great big Sea,
against tides,
and big creatures wanting to eat us,
temperatures we can NOT withstand,
hoping against all hope,
in the ONE
the ONLY one
worth hoping in.

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