Is the TV & Internet
the new
for Persecutors of Christianity?
Things that really CAUSE brain pain...
are we numb…?
just inoculated by our media and movies…
our netflix and .. video games…?
there is SO much darkness and death in our culture..
so many shows surrounding murder and destruction..
do we even … really FEEL the impact of it..
when it really IS… anymore?
THIS week in history…
21 Christians were murdered… for their Faith in Jesus Christ…
yes.. 21 were martyred for JESUS…
this isn't the days of Nero…
but it is 2015 and is LIVE and televised…
THIS day in history
21 real people… were murdered by REAL people in the name of Islam… or ISIS …
these were REAL people .. who did this.. who had this done to them..
It is SO sad…so disturbing.. and I shutter at the thought…
It's so easy for me to focus on all this other stuff…
when the MOST important thing.. is my walk and my FAITH and my work in Christ…
I am called to fix my eyes on the prize.. would I be as brave, were I to bear that orange garment… ? Would I raise my children to be as brave, to love the Lord their God so dearly,
that they would never deny Him…
I certainly can NOT save my children..
but I CAN show them, can tell them, how much I love Him.. and HOW much He loves them…
I can demonstrate my love for Him, and choose to be intentional in how I parent..
In how I love my husband, and my neighbors…
Lord.. let me be intentional in my LOVE.. Let me be more BOLD in my love… Let me not grow cold or indifferent to injustice and violence… grace me with compassion that moves me to do YOUR work in my world… and Lord.. I lift up to you all the loved ones of the 21 who lost their lives THIS week.. and all the weeks before.. and pray… for all those who TOOK the lives.. Dear Lord.. they know not what they do, bring them to YOU, forgive them, free them, and save them..
In JESUS' name…amen
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