Friday, January 2, 2015

ok to be overwhelmed

There are times.. 
When all of this..
overwhelms me..
you are not shocked..
are you.?
so I just keep telling myself..
but then.. 
I do..
I know.. I now
have this monster in my brain
tormenting me
messing with my thinking
and there is a whole 
LOT to 
think about..
but trying to NOT think
isn't exactly working.
and in all honesty
and ok..
a little of the 
sleepy tired too..
it's normal..
it sucks..
and you for that matter..
and I have to hold to that..
when all the diagnoses pile up
and all the school stuff piles up
and all the construction stuff that ..
didn't get done
and the re moving in
is overwhelming us
and didn't get done..
I have to remember
that what I think of my life right this moment in time
really isn't what matters..
and HE is the kind
and loving
and gentle
when my head rages in pain
and my home is loud 
and messy
He is full of grace and patience
when I feel failure overwhelming me
His words 
are what I cling to
they are my 
my love 
it's that …
That I cling to..
Because He is sovereign over this 
GRAND Adventure…
and It's HIM that I am holding on to 
and His words and promises..

holding fast.. 
because really..
that's my only option
 that and bursting into tears ..
which I tend to do..
on occasion..

It's ok..
to be overwhelmed while overcoming
so much
at least that..
is what I keep telling myself.. 
sure is a
good thing
 I have 
God on my side
and my God..
is such a Good and Gracious 
and LOVING God

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